Reblogged: Why our teens have lost faith in us?

This is a post that definitely deserves a read… it addresses some things about our society/education system that are extremely detrimental, and even dangerous. I read things like this and wonder how I will ever, one day, manage to be a parent. It will only be by the grace of God…

My Feelings My Freedom

Lately, I have been quite disturbed by the growing number of suicide cases among children. We read about these cases in newspapers everyday and feel upset for those few minutes but then get back to our routines. Have we ever tried to analyze the reasons for such actions?

Do we realize our responsibility as adults of this society to take steps to stop this act of weakness?

Suicide”- the word itself creates shivers and numbness in our mind.

Then why are the teenagers of this so called sophisticated, modern, independent, solution oriented and technologically advanced society allured into it?

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Reblogged: Why our teens have lost faith in us?

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